Like Water for Chocolate Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Not until you behave like a good woman, or a decent one at least." (10, 675)

Ouch, Mama. Talk about the chile calling the pepper hot…Mama E criticizes Tita for not being a "decent" women, when we all know she's got a less than perfect past.

Quote #8

[…] and before departing gave [Tita] a recipe the prostitutes use so they don't get pregnant: after having intimate relations, use a douche of boiled water with a few drops of vinegar. (10, 696)

Who else would share a contraceptive method with Tita but Gertrudis? Darn it if we don't love her spunky, liberated woman style.

Quote #9

"While you were gone, I had relations with a man I've always loved, and I lost my virginity." (11, 782)

Burn. Talk about two shots through the heart of Dr. Brown…Tita confesses all of this and the guy still wants to be with her. Now that's love. We think…