The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Even as it was, he got wet through for he had to stoop to go under branches and great loads of snow came sliding off on to his back. And every time this happened he thought more and more how he hated Peter – just as if all this had been Peter's fault. (9.6)

By this point in the story, Edmund has had a lot of practice deceiving himself. He's now able to blame things on Peter that have absolutely no connection with his brother's actions.

Quote #5

The only way to comfort himself now was to try to believe that the whole thing was a dream and that he might wake up at any moment. And as they went on, hour after hour, it did come to seem like a dream. (11.10)

At the height of his guilt, Edmund can't see any way of atoning for what he has done or repairing his relationships with his family. All he can do is hope that he's having a terrible nightmare.

Quote #6

"He has tried to betray them and joined the White Witch, O Aslan," said Mr. Beaver. And then something made Peter say:

"That was partly my fault, Aslan. I was angry with him and I think that helped him to go wrong."

And Aslan said nothing either to excuse Peter or to blame him but merely stood looking at him with his great golden eyes. And it seemed to all of them that there was nothing to be said. (12.18-20)

Peter immediately, without any prompting, takes responsibility for his part in Edmund's alienation and betrayal. Perhaps because Peter is so willing to recognize his own faults, Aslan sees no need to punish him.