Justice and Judgment Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She was not pretty and she was not a good talker either, but there is one more thing that can save you from being sent home early. This girl's thing was, she had her story all written down and made official. There were rubber stamps at the end of her story that said in red ink this is TRUE. (1.45)

Little Bee describes the lack of official justice available to most asylum seekers she has encountered. The girl with no name, whom she's talking about, is a rarity in that her story has somehow been officially verified.

Quote #2

Batman looked solemn. Daddy is fighting baddies, he said. (2.56)

Charlie (Batman) equates his father's inability to help Sarah care for Charlie as fighting baddies. Turns out, Batman isn't too far off.

Quote #3

"Oh for goodness' sake," I said. You're a child. Why would anyone want to kill you?" […] Little Bee looked back at me and she said, "Because we saw them killing everyone else." (4.211-212)

In Little Bee's world, any sense of justice seems to have flown out the window when her family was slaughtered and her village destroyed, since it was wanted for an oil field. For the naïve, pre-finger amputation Sarah, such things just don't happen. After the encounter, she'll have a very different take on things.