Guilt and Blame Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Certain attitudes which have been adopted by this society have left this commentator a little lost. (2.18)

These are the last words Andrew writes in his column for The Times. They suggest that Andrew blames society, which includes himself, for callousness toward people like Little Bee.

Quote #2

The hairs on my arm went up, Batman, but I had a household to run. I never understood that he was actually going to do it. (2.21)

Sarah is trying to figure out how to explain to her son that she didn't recognize that Andrew was suicidal. She's also commenting on the signals her body was sending her that something was very wrong with Andrew – the hairs going up on her arm.

Quote #3

I decided I wouldn't tell [Charlie] that my husband opened his mouth to say something, but that I was running late and turned away. (2.60)

Sarah doesn't know whether it would have made a difference if she hadn't turned away from Andrew, but she does feel very guilty for not listening to what he has to say. If she did tell Charlie this part, would he blame her?