Little Brother Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Vanessa:] "They keep asking me questions about you and Darryl."

There was a voice blaring over the loudspeaker, shouting at us to stop talking, to walk, but we ignored it.

"Answer them," I said, instantly. "Anything they ask, answer them. If it'll get you out." (4. 49-51)

When Marcus and Vanessa unexpectedly meet in the prison yard they ignore everything else. Marcus tries to protect Van and acts like a leader, just like he did during their times playing Harajuku Fun Madness.

Quote #2

I needed to get online and find out what was going on. I needed to talk to Jolu and Vanessa. I needed to get working on finding Darryl. (5.94)

Sometimes friendship means staying up late on the computer chatting and surfing the web.

Quote #3

Vanessa: "I can't do it, I'm sorry. I can't watch you do this. It's like watching a car­wreck in slow motion. You're going to destroy yourself, and I love you too much to watch it happen." (7.59)

What kind of love is Vanessa talking about? Why's she convinced that Marcus will lose against the DHS?