Little Brother Resources


Cory Doctorow's Craphound

The author's site with tons of information about his books, including all the cool things others have done with Little Brother (plus free downloads).

Little Brother Swag

Love the book? Now you can wear it, or put it on your wall.

A Defunct Fan Site

Be like Marcus and use the power of the internet to see a wiki from the past. It annotates the entire book.

All the Books Cory Doctorow Wants You To Read

Find out about everything from TOR to the ACLU to books that inspired Marcus's adventures with this hyperlinked version of the book's bibliography.

M1k3y's List of How To-s

From encryption to making a flash mob or spice mister, these Instructables have you covered

Historical San Francisco Images

From SF Historical Photograph Collection you can see everything from earthquake aftermaths to nightclubs to parks.

Movie or TV Productions

Little Brother: The Film TBD

Don Murphy's Angryfilms optioned the book in 2010.

Articles and Interviews

A.V. Club 2008 interview

Tasha Robinson talks with Doctorow about the writing process, books, and security.

Interview from 2013 Geek's Guide to the Galaxy

Doctorow on Disney, ebooks, and hacker kids.

Why Doctorow sent 200 copies of Little Brother to a Florida High School

How the author practices freedom of expression.

Interview with The Guardian

How science fiction can become fact and why Doctorow thinks writing can change the world.

How Doctorow writes

Writing isn't easy, but Doctorow does it a lot.


Cory Doctorow calls out George Orwell

Why technology won't just give power to the state, but let individuals fight back. Also, computers didn't use to be monitored in schools.

Google, information, and Cory Doctorow

A short reading from Little Brother and presentation to Google New York where Doctorow asks them to build things. Also some more insight into book scanning and other random questions.

Little Brother + YouTube

Fan trailers, how tos, and interviews with Cory Doctorow.


Unabridged reading of Little Brother, read by Kirby Heyborne

DRM-free, you can play this on anything.

Reading In the Dark

Fifteen year-old Cory Hite recorded an album based on her favorite books (one is Little Brother) with her band Cory and the Tigermen.

Doctorow tells young people to act on Here & Now

Interview about Little Brother and its sequel Homeland.


Little Brother U.S. cover

Which one do you think is Marcus?

Our Author

Cory Doctorow's future's so bright, he's gotta wear glasses.

RFID chip

So you know what to destroy with your cloner technology.

Mission Burrito

Tasty before or after illegal concerts in the park.