Respect and Reputation Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When the Civil War came, the Governor himself called them in and asked them not to go—with so many men gone they needed at least one reliable troop of Rangers to keep the peace on the border. (7.92)

The Mexican border is long, so it says a lot about Gus's and Call's reputations as Rangers that they were the ones chosen to keep the peace there. Also, it's interesting to think about how the border between U.S. and Mexico has been an issue of national security, in one way or another, for a long, long time.

Quote #2

"Oh, my, they done put a gun on you, ain't they," Deets said with a big grin. "I guess next thing you'll be boss of us all." (9.141)

Newt may be young, but after he's given responsibilities by the Captain, he starts to earn respect from the older men.

Quote #3

Newt thought he had better do what the others were doing, but to his embarrassment could not make water. All he could do was button up again and hope nobody had noticed. (10.3)

Men can be a silly bunch, and that is well illustrated when Newt feels the need to pee with the rest of the bunch just to keep up his reputation as part of the group. In fact, he has to pretend to pee, because he's pee shy.