Friendship Quotes in Lonesome Dove

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Uva uvam vivendo varia fit (8.48)

This is the Latin saying from Gus's door. It means "a grape, seeing another grape, changes color," and it might be the best way to summarize Gus and Call's friendship, for better or for worse.

Quote #2

As a team, the two of them were perfectly balanced; [Call] did more than he needed to, while Gus did less. (16.35)

This is a funny line, and it sums up Call's view of friendship. Call is comfortable giving Gus guff, and he doesn't think anything that he wouldn't say to his friend's face. It's a relationship built on tough love, in a way, but also on total openness and honesty.

Quote #3

It was an odd thing, but true, that the death of an enemy could affect you as much almost as much as the death of a friend. (16.66)

The ex-Ranger's relationship with Pedro Flores wasn't exactly a friendly rivalry, but it's sort of like the Batman and the Joker, or Superman and Lex Luther. What is a person without his other half? Call will experience a similar feeling, but much, much worse, when his actual other half, Gus, dies at the end of the book.