The Lorax Trivia

The Lorax Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Dr. Seuss and a partner "tried to invent an Infantograph, which promised to show how a couple's children would look." He even wrote some ad copy for it: "IF YOU MARRIED THAT GAL YOU'RE WALKING WITH, WHAT WOULD YOUR CHILDREN LOOK LIKE? COME IN AND HAVE YOUR INFANTOGRAPH TAKEN!" No, this is not a joke. (Source.)

When people asked Dr. Seuss how he, a childless man, could relate so well to kids, he'd say, "You make 'em. I'll amuse 'em." He's not off the hook though—he did have two stepdaughters! (Source.)

And the Oscar goes to... Dr. Seuss! In 1950, he won an Academy Award for Best Animated Short. With a name like "Gerald McBoing-Boing" how could it not win? Yes, it's awesome, and yes you can watch it for free.

Believe it or not, The Lorax was actually banned in some libraries. Clearly these people aren't watching Skins. (Source.)