Lord Jim Chapter 9 Summary

  • After his laughing fit, Jim continues his narrative, leaving us to wonder what in the world that was all about.
  • He describes how the crew members verbally abused him as they struggled with the lifeboat. In the chaos, the second engineer has broken his arm (which is what lands him in the hospital when they get back to shore).
  • As the men work frantically to free a lifeboat, Jim succumbs to complete and utter panic. All he can think about is his impending death and the pilgrims aboard who might wake up and riot.
  • It gets worse: a squall, or storm, is approaching. This is so not good.
  • Finally, they get the lifeboat free and push it overboard. This is the moment when some of the passengers begin to wake up. Uh oh.
  • As the crew members are scrambling to reach the now floating lifeboat, the third engineer of the Patna, George, drops dead from a heart attack.
  • The crew jump overboard to the boat and yell for George to join them. Guess they didn't notice the dude's dead.
  • Finally, Jim jumps overboard, too. So much for women and children first, folks.