Lord Jim Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You must know that everybody connected in any way with the sea was there, because the affair had been notorious for days, ever since that mysterious cable message came from Aden to start us all cackling." (5.3)

The Patna scandal spreads like wildfire among the seafaring community, so Jim's reputation is already ruined before Marlow even meets him.

Quote #2

"I didn't care a rap about the behavior of the other two. Their persons somehow fitted the tale that was public property and going to be the subject of an official inquiry." (5.8)

Appearances say it all in Lord Jim, and a person's reputation often hinges on them. The real horror of Jim's case is that his appearance doesn't coincide with his actions – unlike the other two men mentioned here who "look" the part of cowardly scoundrels.

Quote #3

"'The worst of it,' he said 'is that all you fellows have no sense of dignity; you don't think enough of what you are supposed to be.'" (6.13)

Well isn't this interesting? Brierly believes a sailor should focus on what he is "supposed to be," which means that a good sailor thinks about his reputation first, and everything else comes second to that. That sounds all well and good, but it doesn't seem too practical when you're ship's going down, now does it?