Lord of the Flies Resources


Law and Order

The URL for William Golding's website looks rather official, wouldn't you say?

Half an Hour of Unrelieved Gloom

We said he had a dark side, right? Here's Golding talking about being labeled a "pessimist" in his Nobel Prize speech.

Which Side Are You On?

Check out this website for the freaky Stanford Prison Experiments. Would you have acted differently?

Game, Set, Match

Need a study break? Play the Lord of the Flies game at the Nobel Prize website.

Movie or TV Productions

Lord of the … Fleas!

Apparently, the boys in the 1963 film got to improvise a lot of their lines.

Hear No Evil

The 1990 film took some liberties with the book, too—like adding 4-letter words.

Historical Documents

The Book That Inspired It All

… Robert Ballantyne's Coral Island.

Farewell, William

When Golding died in 1993, The New York Times obituary talked about the origins of his most popular book.


Tweenage Dreams

This video from the 1990 movie will help you remember how young the boys are supposed to be.


The Spoken Word SPONSORED

Here's Golding himself reading Lord of the Flies, care of Random House.


Jungle Paradise

Here's the original cover of the UK edition—nudity and all.


Even more nudity—partial, at least: a bunch of boys in loin cloths from the 1963 movie.

The Lord of the Flies Himself

In the decaying flesh. Yum!