Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson)’s Timeline and Summary

Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Charlotte can't sleep and wakes up John (who promptly goes back to sleep).
  • The next day, she visits a temple and watches monks chant. Later, she tells her friend Lauren that she didn't feel anything. But she does feel like she doesn't know who she married anymore.
  • The following night in the hotel bar, she sends a bowl of snack mix to Bob.
  • Charlotte and John bump into Kelly, an actress John knows. She's a dope.
  • That night, Charlotte can't sleep and goes to the bar where she chats with Bob.
  • After visiting an arcade during the day, she surprises John by saying she'll join him for drinks in the hotel bar with Kelly.
  • Charlotte ditches John and Kelly's vapid table to chill with Bob at the bar.
  • John heads out of town for work. That night, Charlotte and Bob go out with Charlotte's friend Charlie Brown. They party and sing karaoke.
  • At lunch two days later, Charlotte tells Bob about her injured toe, and he makes her go to the hospital.
  • That evening, they meet up with Charlie Brown again, but quickly ditch him. Instead, they hang out in Bob's room, watching an old movie on TV and talking about their anxieties.
  • Charlotte finds out that Bob slept with the lead singer of Sausalito. She and Bob have a horrible lunch.
  • They make up during an early morning fire alarm at the Park Hyatt, and share one last drink in the hotel bar.
  • The following morning, they say goodbye in the hotel lobby and part ways; Bob's headed back to the states.
  • Bob sees Charlotte on the street, pulls over, and chases her down. He kisses her and whispers something in her ear. "Okay," she smiles through tears.
  • Bob leaves again, and Charlotte walks off into Tokyo.