Lost in Translation Scene 7 Summary

  • Bob's hanging out in the hotel pool, doing laps, and watching a bunch of older ladies do water aerobics to pop music.
  • Charlotte wanders through an arcade and looks at all the video games. In a word, she's bemused. In nine words, it looks like she's never seen Guitar Hero before.
  • Back at the Park Hyatt, Charlotte and John hug it out. It's unclear, but it seems like he just got back from work.
  • John says he has to meet Kelly downstairs for drinks. He's surprised when Charlotte says she'll go, too.
  • At the hotel bar, Kelly's holding court and dispelling any rumors that she's anorexic. Then she says her Dad is anorexic because he was taken prisoner during the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
  • Charlotte spots Bob across the bar and sees her opportunity to bolt. We don't blame her. For starters, Kelly pronounces Cuba "KOO-buh."
  • Still, Charlotte hangs on at the table. Kelly's friend beatboxes for her. Again, she looks at Bob. He mimes being bored to death.
  • Finally, Charlotte excuses herself, and goes over to say "hey" to Bob.
  • Bob jokingly tells Charlotte he's trying to organize a prison break. First, they're going to break out of the bar. Then the hotel, then the city, then the country.
  • She's in.