Love Medicine Abuse Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

That was when she stabbed me through the hand with the fork, then took the poker up alongside my head, and knocked me out. (2.1.99)

As if pouring boiling water on Marie wasn't enough, when Marie decided to fight back against Sister Leopolda, that sadistic nun stabbed Marie through the hand. Then, she passed the resulting wound off to her fellow sisters as stigmata. How's that for some smooth talking and quick thinking? Too bad she didn't put that to, you know, non-evil uses.

Quote #8

A neighbor had come by and hit the door with a broom handle. Their voices went down after that. (16.1.17)

Toward the end of the book, we get a third-person chapter devoted to following Howard Kashpaw's thoughts and perceptions. Apparently, his parents made so much noise with their fighting that the neighbor had to bang on their door to try to get them to stop.

Quote #9

"… I was in Nam." "He never got off the West Coast." Lynette leaned back to me with a bleary confiding look. Not that she'd been drinking. She seemed punch-addled or half asleep. "We listen to him anyway." She winked. "How he does blab on." (16.2.4-5)

Apparently King and Lynette are still deep in the cycle of abuse, with Lynette seeming punch-addled as she talks to Lipsha about her husband. As you might imagine, Lynette doesn't have a ton of respect for her husband, and it shows here.