Lucy: A Novel Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Mariah] leaned her head backward and rested it on [Lewis's] shoulder [. . .], and she sighed and shuddered in pleasure. The whole thing had an air of untruth about it; they didn't mean to do what they were doing at all. It was a show—not for anyone else's benefit, but a show for each other (3.4).

So Mariah and Lewis only appear to be one of those older married couples who still have the passion of newlyweds. If Lucy's right, what do you think they're trying to accomplish by putting on this show for one another?

Quote #2

But to look at [Mariah and Lewis], they seemed as if they couldn't be more apart if they were on separate planets" (3.6).

We'll refrain from making some corny joke about men being from Mars and women from Venus. But why do you think Mariah and Lewis seem so disconnected?

Quote #3

My father had perhaps thirty children; he did not know for sure. He would try to make a count but then he would give up after a while. [. . .] My father had lived with another woman for years and was the father of her three children; she tried to kill my mother and me many times (3.33)

Yowza. After observing her parents' marital woes, it's no wonder that Lucy sees Lewis's infidelity as small potatoes.