Lucy: A Novel Characters

Meet the Cast


The Baloney DetectorOur gal Lucy is one critical thinker. She's constantly making judgments and assessments about everything going on around her. Not much is lost on this astute protagonist, that's...


You've got to love Mariah. Or you could hate her. Lucy sure does a lot of both. Let's start with the positive, shall we? She's Sooo NiceMariah isn't a meanie. In fact, Lucy tells us "Mariah was the...


Lucy first meets Peggy in the park and the two become buds and eventually even move in together. Peggy's kind of the rebel type: Peggy smoked cigarettes, used slang, wore very tight jeans, did not...


So Lewis is nothing more than Mariah's no-good, cheating, rabbit-killing (!) husband, right? Well, not so fast. It's true that Lewis probably wouldn't win any Husband of the Year awards given that...


Hugh is the dude who Lucy meets at a party that Mariah and Lewis throw at their lake house. Despite being the brother of Dinah (whom Lucy totally despises), he is pretty much Lucy's dream guy. Spec...


Paul is one of Lucy's lovers whom she first meets at a party. Paul has a reputation as a perv, at least according to Peggy. Despite this warning, Lucy is super attracted to the guy and begins a sex...


Miriam is the youngest child in Mariah's and Lewis's brood of kids. Miriam holds a special place in Lucy's heart because she reminds Lucy of, well, Lucy: She must have reminded me of myself wh...

Louisa, May, & Jane

Louisa, May, and Jane are the three older (but still youngish) girls in the family for whom Lucy works. Lucy's charges are relatively well-behaved and don't seem to cause her much trouble, but they...

Maude Quick

Maude Quick is Lucy's old evil babysitter who travels from the Caribbean to the United States to be the bearer of some really bad news. She informs Lucy that her father has died and gives her a let...

Timothy Simon

Timothy Simon is Lucy's photographer boss at the secretary job she gets after she stops working for Mariah and Lewis. This dude has a creepy vibe, addressing the women who work for him as "honey" o...

The Maid

The maid works for Mariah and Lewis. From the get-go, she makes it clear that she's not thrilled with Lucy's arrival. She chalks up her dislike of Lucy to the way she talks, but Lucy suspects there...


Roland is a dude from Panama who sells Lucy a camera. Oh, and right after she buys the camera, the two go back to his place and have sex. Bow-chicka-bow-wow.Although their relationship doesn't go a...


Gus is a childhood friend of Mariah's whom Mariah, Lucy, and the kids meet up with when they first get to Mariah's lake house. And…that's pretty much it.


Dinah is Mariah's best friend who, uh, also happens to be having an affair with Mariah's husband Lewis.Lucy is not a fan of Dinah or the women she thinks Dinah represents. Besides being a homewreck...