Ma Rainey Resources


The Academy of American Poets strikes again. This page includes a short bio and a few popular poems.

Modern American Poetry

If you just can't get enough, here's a more thorough bio, more poems, and some commentary, too.

Ma Rainey

For a brief lowdown, usually has the goods.

Ma Madness

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame site gives you a timeline, plus a complete bio. Who could ask for more?



Check out this amateur bio with a slideshow of photos if you want to learn the Brown basics.

Women and the Blues

Check out this preview of a video on female Blues singers called Wild Women Don't Have the Blues. You can buy the whole documentary if the sneak peek floats your boat.


Reading of "Ma Rainey"

This guy reads it so dramatically, it almost sounds like a song, which is, we think, the way it should be.

Many Poems

Brown's greatest hits read by the man himself. You can hear samples of several of his works.


Obligatory Photo of the Poet Smoking a Pipe

This portrait shows Brown deep in thought.

Dr. Brown

Brown really filled the role of professor—even nailed the look too.

Ma Rainey

Doin' her stuff.


The Collected Poems

All the Brown poems fit for print (and then some).

A Son's Return: Selected Essays of Sterling A Brown

These essays were what Brown was best known for during his lifetime.