Main Street Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You know I'm in love with you, Carol!" (2.2.16)

Will Kennicott puts his heart on the line when he first tells Carol he loves her. This is the early romantic phase of their relationship, because over time, Will is going to become pretty dull in his daily habits. He certainly won't be this romantic for long.

Quote #2

She was ready to love them. But she was embarrassed by the heartiness of the cheering group. (3.3.15)

When Carol first arrives in Gopher Prairie, she's a bit embarrassed by how affectionate the welcoming committee is. She hopes she can match their enthusiasm, but the truth is that she's kind of a guarded person when it comes to cheerfulness. On top of that, she feels superior to these people (for some good reasons, but still), and she knows it. Can you love people you feel superior to?

Quote #3

He lifted her, carried her into the house, and with her arms about his neck she forgot Main Street. (4.4.137)

The first time Carol feels Will pick her up and carry her into their new home, she forgets all about how lame she finds the town of Gopher Prairie. Moments like this will eventually become rare, though, as Will settles into his regular, non-romantic routines. It's as if now that Will has found his wife and set up his home, he feels he can just relax and let things go. Maybe that's one of the reasons this marriage doesn't work out as well as it could.