Main Street Characters

Meet the Cast

Carol Kennicott

Young and Full of Energy! Weeee!When we first meet Carol, her last name is Milford, and she's working her way through a quaint Minnesotan school called Blodgett College. From what we can tell, Caro...

Will Kennicott

Self-Assured and SatisfiedWhen you take a good long look at Will Kennicott, you pretty much see s decent guy who's satisfied with his life as a doctor in a small Midwestern town. Carol's first impr...

Vida Sherwin

Vida Sherwin is probably the closest thing Carol Kennicott has to a best friend in Gopher Prairie. For one thing, Vida agrees with Carol that the town is boring and badly in need of improvement. Be...

Mrs. Bogart

Mrs. Bogart is your typical old lady next door… and not the good kind who hands out cookies and lemonade. No, Mrs. Bogart is the nosy and judgmental kind, always poking her face in people's busin...

Miles Bjornstam

Miles Bjornstam is known to many people in Gopher Prairie as the town "crank." Most people only see Miles when they absolutely need him, like when they need to get their houses ready for winter. In...

Guy Pollock

Guy Pollock is a romantic at heart, just like Carol Kennicott. But the problem with him is that he's given up on himself in a way that Carol hasn't. When he describes his situation, he claims that...

Erik Valbourg

No one really knows what to make of Erik Valbourg when he first moves to Gopher Prairie as a tailor's assistant. Oh, wait—yeah, they do. They make fun of him for being effeminate and wanting to d...

Sam Clark

Will Kennicott can't be Sinclair Lewis's only example of a typical man in Gopher Prairie, so he throws in Sam Clark to remind us just how little diversity or creativity there is among these men. Sa...

Stewart Snyder

Stewart Snyder isn't in this book for very long: he's basically just a dude who knows Carol in college and tries to get her to marry him. Carol basically thinks of the guy as "a competent bulky you...

Bea Sorenson

When it comes to a person's reaction to Gopher Prairie, Bea Sorenson is basically the anti-Carol. While Carol only sees a dirty hick town, Bea looks around Gopher Prairie and sees an exciting and t...