The Man in the High Castle Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"It's Chung Fu," Juliana said. "Inner Truth. I know without using the chart, too. And I know what it means."

Raising his head, Hawthorne scrutinized her. He had now an almost savage expression. "It means, does it, that my book is true?"

"Yes," she said.

With anger he said, "Germany and Japan lost the war?"


Hawthorne, then, closed the two volumes and rose to his feet; he said nothing. (15.134-9)

One of the best things about lies is that we can watch characters react to the truth. And generally speaking, very few characters seem to like the truth. Here's Juliana telling Hawthorn that his book was true. His reaction: "an almost savage expression" and speaking "with anger"—and then just getting up and not speaking at all. Truth doesn't seem to make characters happy in this book. Does that make truth sound good or bad?