The Man in the Iron Mask Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Warn the Prince, and then- do what? Take him with me? Carry this accusing witness about with me everywhere? War, too, would follow,- civil war, implacable in its nature! And without any resource- alas, it is impossible! What will he do without me? Without me he will be utterly destroyed! Yet who knows? let destiny be fulfilled! Condemned he was, let him remain so, then! (21.231)

Clearly Aramis feels no real loyalty to Prince Philippe.

Quote #5

"Yes, and leave Porthos behind me, to talk and relate the whole affair to every one,- Porthos, who will suffer, perhaps! I will not let poor Porthos suffer. He is one of the members of my own frame; his grief is mine. Porthos shall leave with me, and shall follow my destiny. It must be so." (21.231)

This demonstrates Aramis's loyalty to Porthos.

Quote #6

"You are not gone, then?" cried he. "Oh, Monsieur! the true King in loyalty, in heart, in soul, is not Louis of the Louvre or Philippe of Ste. Marguerite; it is you, the proscribed, the condemned!" (40.47)

Fouquet has demonstrated time and again that he is truly a great, honorable, and loyal man.