The Man in the Iron Mask Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He was my guest; he was my King!"

Aramis rose, his eyes literally bloodshot, his mouth trembling convulsively. "Have I a man out of his senses to deal with?" he said.

"You have an honorable man to deal with." (21.203 – 21.205)

The rules of hospitality dictate that the host is responsible for the guests. Aramis has deeply dishonored Fouquet, and that's the primary reason Fouquet sides with the King.

Quote #5

"If you had killed me, d'Artagnan, I should have had the good fortune to die for the royal house of France; and it would be an honor to die by your hand,- you, its noblest and most loyal defender." (32.5)

What does an "honorable" death look like? This passage indicates that the type of man who kills you must be of high quality in order for you to die honorably.

Quote #6

"I am dishonored!" thought the Musketeer; "I am a miserable wretch!" Then he cried, "For pity's sake, M. Fouquet, throw me one of your pistols that I may blow out my brains!" But Fouquet rode on. (40.40)

According to the Musketeers' code, if you cannot fulfill your duty, the honorable thing to do is kill yourself. D'Artagnan manifests that behavior here.