Marty Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Marty.

Quote #1

CATHERINE: I'm fifty-six years old. What am I to do with myself? I have strength in my hands. I wanna cook. I wanna clean. I wanna make dinner for my children.

More power to you, Catherine. People half your age have way less interest in household chores. Maybe you can work for them?

Quote #2

CATHERINE: What will you do if Marty gets married?! What will you cook? What happen to all the children playing in all the rooms? Where is the noise?! It is a curse to be a widow!

In Catherine's mouth, idleness seems like a threat. How is the concept of labor tied up in what the characters in the movie think women should be?

Quote #3

RALPH: Hey, Marty, we got an odd squirrel here, you interested?

Between tomatoes, dogs, and odd squirrels, women are always being called something other than human beings.