Matilda The Trunchbull Quotes

The Trunchbull

Quote 7

"You are disgusting!" the Trunchbull bellowed. "You are a walking germ-factory! I don't wish to see any more of you today! Go and stand in the corner on one leg with your face to the wall!" (13.30)

Oh now there's a fair punishment. Didn't wash your hands? Go stand on one leg. The Trunchbull seems to get some sort of sick pleasure from trapping kids in various gnarly situations.

The Trunchbull

Quote 8

"You are finished in this school, young lady!" she shouted. "You are finished everywhere. I shall personally see to it that you are put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppings on you! You will probably never see the light of day again!" (14.18)

Never see the light of day again? The Trunchbull clearly wants to put this kid in the super Chokey. Here's hoping that's where she ends up when the authorities catch up with her after the end of the novel.

The Trunchbull

Quote 9

"What the blazes is this?" yelled the Trunchbull. It had shaken her to see her own first name being written like that by an invisible hand. She dropped Wilfred on to the floor. Then she yelled at nobody in particular, "Who's doing this? Who's writing it?" (20.38)

Ah, the beginning of the Trunchbull's grand punishment. It's glorious to watch, don't you think? What we love is how flabbergasted the evil woman is. She's so used to being in control that when the chalk starts writing, she hardly knows what to do with herself, and it's pretty fun to watch. Victory is sweet.