The Mayor of Casterbridge Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Lucetta's face became – as a woman's face becomes when the man she loves rises upon her gaze like an apparition. (25.24)

The narrator suggests that women are unable to control their facial expressions when they're in love and the object of their affections appears.

Quote #8

She arranged herself picturesquely in the chair; first this way, then that; next so that the light fell over her head. Next she flung herself on the couch in the cyma-recta curve which so became her, and, with her arm over her head, looked toward the door. (22.79)

Lucetta is very conscious of her femininity, and tries to use it to her advantage. She artfully arranges herself like the subject of a painting so that Henchard's first impression when he comes in will be a good one. We find the preciseness of this description pretty funny.

Quote #9

His old feeling of supercilious pity for womankind in general was intensified by this suppliant appearing here as the double of the first. (35.27)

Henchard, as a tall, strong, bullish man, tends to feel superior to women since they are generally smaller and physically weaker. He feels a general "pity" for all of "womankind" because of their perceived weakness.