Manipulation Quotes in The Maze of Bones (The 39 Clues)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I'll put [your inheritance] in an account for you until you're adults. I'll only spend the interest." (3.46)

Aunt Beatrice is pretty slick here. She's using what people in business call the "assumptive close," fully believing Amy and Dan will just agree to letting her take their two-million dollar inheritance. Thankfully they can't be manipulated that easily.

Quote #5

"This family has been instrumental in shaping human civilization. Some of the most important figures in history have in fact been Cahills." (3.58)

Because of this, it's not that surprising that the Cahills involved in the clue hunt are the manipulative masters they are. This family has been doing it for who knows how long. The world is just their toy to play with.

Quote #6

Grace had insisted on renewing [their passports] last year. (6.82)

By doing this, Grace was making sure that Amy and Dan would be able to participate in the contest without even telling them about the contest. That's pretty sneaky.