M.C. Higgins, the Great Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Between them was an unspoken agreement. Ben was never to touch M.C. with his hands and risk losing his only friend. (1.66)

Hrm. You know what this sounds a lot like? The Jim Crow South

Quote #5

There she was, hurrying over the last hill facing the mountain. She always glanced behind her, never trusting the empty trail as she raced ahead, carrying something. M.C. knew the story by heart. He knew she ran for freedom. She carried a baby. (2.10-11)

Lest we forget the fundamental form of prejudice in the book, M.C.'s story reminds us about how Sarah's Mountain came to be Sarah's Mountain. His Great Grandmother Sarah escaped slavery, without any certainty, safety, or help. The question is: Why do the Higgins have no empathy for the Killburns considering what the Higgins' ancestors went through just to get to the mountain?

Quote #6

For the Killburn houses, sheds and barns were grouped to form an enclosure. This compound was in no way extraordinary to look at, at first sight. The sheds and barns were weathered silver, sagging and almost shapeless. The houses were not the unpainted crate construction of most hill houses, but on the order of rambling, frame farmhouses. They had been added onto at the rear each time a child was born; and they had been painted once, all the same color. A dark, deep brown trimmed in blue. There was still a thin covering of paint on the houses, although they hadn't been retouched in years.

So that what happened right before M.C.'s eyes was that the enclosure of chocolate and silver sheds and barns took on the appearance of a fairyland. Carved out of dark soil and bold, blue sky, it looked unearthly all of a sudden, and slightly sinister. (11.149-150)

Is M.C.'s reaction to the Killburn houses fair? Or is all that feeling of the "slightly sinister" houses just an extension of his prejudice toward the Killburns? Here's a thought: Is the Killburn compound a little creepy? Is M.C. describing some kind of cultish compound led by some guy who's more like a Jim Jones or a Charles Manson?