Coming of Age Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Never forget them, Chiyo-chan," [Auntie] said. "They're all that's left of your childhood." (8.64)

One tragic part of some coming-of-age stories is the death of the protagonist's parents. For Chiyo, that event comes very soon, and without her being there. It is very sad, but so was her whole childhood, so it fits.

Quote #2

I suppose that by "dignity" I mean a kind of self-confidence, or certainty. (12.90)

Part of coming-of-age means that Chiyo feels more comfortable in her own skin, even if that skin is covered in a forty-pound kimono and eight pounds of makeup.

Quote #3

Evidently in the six months since I'd last seen them, I'd changed more than I realized. (13.8)

Chiyo experiences quite a growth spurt in her early teens, which makes her noticeable, both to fellow geisha and to the creepy men who love geisha.