Competition Quotes in Memoirs of a Geisha

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Could you take the garbage out later?" (3.60)

The instant Hatsumomo sees Chiyo, she is cruel to her. She does this as a form of psychological warfare, to make Chiyo feel inferior so that Hatsumomo is in a better position to take advantage of her.

Quote #2

"Maybe you're just too pretty yourself to be able to see it elsewhere." (5.13)

A sumo says this to Hatsumomo. It's a good quote, but it's also wrong. Hatsumomo definitely sees that Chiyo is pretty, which positions Chiyo as Gion's Next Top Geisha, and Hatsumomo's number 1 rival.

Quote #3

"Everyone knows how you hate Mameha," Auntie told [Hatsumomo]. "You hate anyone more successful than you." (6.70)

In case you hadn't guessed by this point, Hatsumomo picks her rivals from people she is either threatened by or jealous of.