A Monster Calls Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Conor's grandma wore tailored pantsuits, dyed her hair to keep out the gray, and said things that made no sense at all, like "Sixty is the new fifty" or "Classic cars need the most expensive polish." (6.7)

Despite what he may say, we actually think Conor's grandma is kind of awesome and hilarious, and wouldn't mind being like her when we grow up. (Although we do like the idea of old lady things like knitting and cats.)

Quote #5

He would come here and pick up Conor, they'd go and see his mum, and then they'd spend some "father-son" time together. Conor was almost certain this was code for another round of We Need to Have a Talk. (12.6)

Everybody's speaking in code around Conor. But there comes a time when it's insulting to a person's intelligence to keep using euphemisms. And those euphemisms certainly aren't making Conor's life any easier, either.

Quote #6

"Hey, son," his dad said, his voice bending in that weird way that America had started to shape it. (12.37)

Not only does Conor's dad move away from him physically, he moves away from him verbally, too. Everything in Conor's life is changing, even his dad's accent.