Moon Over Manifest Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Hungarian woman plunked her shot glass down onto the bar top and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "Do you forget where you come from?" She stared them down. "What about the others who depend on us? Those who are left behind?" (22.59)

At the town meeting at Shady's place, Miss Sadie's words really hit home. It sounds like immigrants feel it's their duty to succeed in America because their family back in Europe sacrificed to send them there. Do you agree?

Quote #8

"At Ellis Island, the inspector asks my friend Milo, 'What is your last name?'

'Zoutsaghianopoulos,' he says. The inspector asks him if he wants to change it to make it easier to pronounce. My friend gives this much thought. After all, this is his family name." (25.16)

Tons of people changed the spelling of their last names when they immigrated to America. It says a lot about how willing they were to truly start over, to change something so fundamental to their family. Would you be willing to change your name?

Quote #9

It was like putting together a big family tree. (34.13)

As Abilene reads through the entries to the memory contest, she recognizes many names from Miss Sadie's story and feels like she already knows these people. For this young lady, knowing someone's past makes them feel like family.