Mourning Becomes Electra True or False

1. Who gets nasty with another character and says asks "How can you say that—without shame! You don't give one thought to Father—who is so good—who trusts you! Oh, how could you do this to Father? How could you?" -> Hazel Niles
2. Who warns another character that "Puritan maidens shouldn't peer too inquisitively into Spring?" -> Christine Mannon
3. Who gets the party started when they say "All victory ends in the defeat of death. That's sure. But does defeat end in the victory of death? That's what I wonder?" -> The Grim Reaper
4. What character is convinced that "the sea hates a coward?" -> Lavinia Mannon
5. Who says, when another character finds them in the study, that they're "studying the law of crime and punishment, as you saw?" -> Orin Mannon
