My Brother Sam Is Dead Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I couldn't take my eyes off him; he looked so brave. He was wearing a scarlet coat with silver buttons and a white vest and black leggings halfway up to his knees. Oh, I envied him. (1.7)

Tim thinks his brother Sam looks sharp in his new soldier get-up. In fact, Tim sure does pay a lot of attention to what his brother is wearing. Do you think these clothes are what make Sam look brave? Or is he actually brave on the inside? Or is it both?

Quote #2

"Captain Arnold says it's all right to be scared; the true brave man is always scared. At least that's what the sergeant said he said." (1.103)

Sam is probably scared about fighting in a war. Good thing his Captain thinks being scared is a part of being brave. What do you think about this statement? You could argue that being scared is the opposite of being brave, right? So why do you think being a brave person might also mean being a bit of a scaredy-cat?

Quote #3

"I think you're a coward," I said. I didn't really think that—anybody who joined the army to fight couldn't be a coward, but I was still angry at him.

"No, I'm not," he said.

To tell the truth, it was me who was being the coward. Now that I'd got calmed down a little, I was afraid of what I might find when I went home. (4.62-64)

What does it mean to be a coward? Does it mean being scared? Or is it something more? For Tim, being a coward means being too afraid to take action. Well, he may be scared right now, but keep an eye out for how Tim proves himself to be a seriously brave guy by the end of the book.