My Name is Asher Lev Education Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The nude is a form of art I want you to master. To attempt to achieve greatness in art without mastering this art form is like attempting to be a great Hasidic teacher without knowledge of the Kabbalah. (229.7)

Jacob Kahn explains the essentials of what it means to be a good artist; juxtaposing the education he's giving Asher with a traditional Hasidic education. This is especially ironic considering that Asher has rejected his own Hasidic education.

Quote #8

'Asher Lev, you have been a good student.' (301.14)

Jacob Kahn praises Asher with this quote, and it's true: the one realm of study in which Asher has excelled is the study of art and art history.

Quote #9

He asked me to explain some of the concepts. We talked for a long time about the two-dimensional surface of the canvas, about illusion, depth, planar structure, points, areas, line, dispersive and progressive shapes, surface control, color separation, values, contrasts, accents, matrix. I began to lose him somewhere around planar structure, and by surface control it was hopeless. (305.11)

Asher attempts to give Aryeh an education in the basics of painting when Aryeh expresses some interest in learning. But true to the history of their highly strained father-son dynamic, Aryeh lacks the ability to understand Asher's world.