My Name is Asher Lev Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'When a son goes so far away from the father, there can only be trouble.' (196.6)

This is the abiding principle of the tension between Aryeh and Asher, and something that haunts Asher throughout the book. Asher is made to believe that he is disobeying his father by living his life as an artist.

Quote #5

I wondered what they talked about during all those days of travel. Russian Jews? The yeshivos my father was bringing to life? Their strange son? My father's certainty of the trouble I would one day bring upon them? (263.3)

Asher dwells on his parents' thoughts while they're in Vienna and he's living with his Uncle Yitzchok stateside. The geographical distance here also creates an emotional distance between Asher and his parents, which is difficult to repair even after they return home.

Quote #6

'They are your parents. You should be with your parents.' (279.8)

Jacob Kahn says this to Asher after Asher tells him he's relenting and going to visit his parents in Vienna. The quote is pretty self-explanatory—and anxiety-inducing for Asher, who's done a pretty shoddy job of being a son as far as the other characters in the book are concerned.