My Name is Asher Lev Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page.Paragraph)

Quote #4

'Rivkeh, the Torah forbids it.' (21.12)

Here Aryeh is trying to get Rivkeh to snap out of her grief spiral after her brother is killed. Often in My Name Is Asher Lev, an action is dismissed as wrong or false because it is forbidden by the Torah, the religious text central to the Jewish religion.

Quote #5

'It's the work of the sitra achra,' my father murmured. (57.7)

The sitra achra is commonly mentioned in this book—it's the source of all evil for Jews, something to be feared and avoided. It's a sizzling hot topic of debate whether or not Asher's gift comes from the Ribbono Shel Olom (God) or from the sitra achra. Blessed child prodigy or spawn of the devil? You make the call.

Quote #6

The Rebbe turned and sat down in his chair. His movements were very slow. The tallis completely covered his head and face. The congregants took their seats. The service continued. A tremulous crescendo of sound began to fill the synagogue. Men swayed fervently back and forth. Arms gesticulated toward the ceiling and walls. I prayed loudly, swaying, caught up in the intensity of feeling that had taken possession of the service. (89.7)

This service is held after Stalin dies, and the fervor and joy in the room is very palpable. This quote communicates what a powerful bonding agent religion can be, as well as the passion of Asher's particular congregation.