Identity Quotes in My Sister's Keeper

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"You deserved better than some freak who might fall down frothing at the mouth any old minute." (9.7.13)

Anna defines herself by her sister's illness; Campbell defines himself by his own. And he adds the moniker "freak" to it, which doesn't do his self-esteem any favors.

Quote #11

I am a monster. (9.8.62)

Campbell calls himself a freak; Anna calls herself a monster. Yep, these guys are two of a kind. Anna feels like a monster because she's basically killing her sister… even though that's what Kate wants her to do. Maybe making such a difficult choice makes her a saint instead of a monster.

Quote #12

"Ten years from now, in my opinion, I think [Anna's] going to be pretty amazing." (10.6.1)

This is the first time anyone has acknowledged that Anna will still be alive in ten years. It's almost as though people think that since Kate isn't expected to last that long, Anna won't be around then either.