Science Quotes in Nation

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Then [Daphne] tested her conclusion, like a proper scientist would. [...] Now she had a working hypothesis. (6.265)

Daphne's trying to figure out the scientific purpose of the beer song—and she does. But does it really matter if the people of Nation believe that it works by magic? (Our iPads might as well be magic to us.)

Quote #5

"You have to learn to make things when it's cold for half the year." (9.160)

This is Daphne's explanation for why Northerners (like Europeans) invent things and people on tropical islands do not. Maybe islanders only invent things they really need. If you lived on a beautiful beach, would you need a Shake Weight?

Quote #6

"Thin little blades of papervine had bound the red thunder in." (13.82)

Mau comes up with the brilliant idea of using a plant to patch a cracked cannon. Maybe the gods are smiling on him after all. Or maybe it's just science. Or a little bit of both? Are science and magic always opposed?