Violence Quotes in Neuromancer

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Biz here was a constant subliminal hum, and death the accepted punishment for laziness, carelessness, lack of grace, the failure to heed the demands of an intricate protocol. (1.38)

In Chiba City, you don't get fired if you mess up. Well, actually you do, and your severance pay is a shallow grave.

Quote #2

[Zone] saw the bulge of the steel whip. "Cobra" he said, and raised an eyebrow. You wanna f*** somebody up?" (1.124-125)

Chiba City is a place where violence is so commonplace that people no longer even do a double take at the sight of it. Zone's cold interest in Case's weapon is a testament to that fact.

Quote #3

The two agencies, convinced that they were containing a horde of potential killers, were co-operating with an uncharacteristic degree of efficiency. Beyond the shattered wreckage of the main street doors, bodies were piled three deep on the barricades. (4.104)

The police are afraid the employees of Sense/Net have become deranged killers. Their answer to violence? More violence of course. It's a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy.