Neuromancer Analysis

Symbolism, Imagery, Allegory


Unfortunately, we don't. Neuromancer is set in the future, but the date's a big old question mark. All we can say for certain is that it takes place in the far future, or what would have been the f...

Narrator Point of View

Neuromancer is told in a third person limited omniscient narrative voice. Yeah, that's a ridiculously long name, isn't it? Thankfully the idea behind this name is pretty simple. Basically, third pe...


Neuromancer is a particular version of the quest genre—what we'll call the heist genre. See, a quest is all about a hero traveling to reach a certain goal, usually involving him finding an object...


The punk subculture started around the mid 70s in the United States and United Kingdom, so when Gibson was writing in the early 80s, it was a full-blown cultural zeitgeist. As a result, a lot of pu...

Writing Style

Gibson borrows his writing style from the hard-boiled detective novels of the pulp era, stories written by guys like Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. These detective novels were written in a...

What's Up With the Title?

We'll save you a few minutes of searching right now. You won't find the word neuromancer in any dictionary. Gibson made the word up. Yeah, you can do that. In fact, writers like Shakespeare, Joyce,...

What's Up With the Ending?

What's up with the ending? You tell us. With an ending like this one, your guess is as good as ours. See, Neuromancer has what we'd call an open-ended conclusion. We can only say some things defini...


Neuromancer isn't too difficult of a book. The story is told from Case's perspective throughout the entire novel. The sequence of events is linear without any jumping around in time. The plot moves...