No Exit

No Exit


by Jean-Paul Sartre

Reading Quizzes

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Sample of Reading Quizzes

No Exit quiz


1. What are Sartre's minimal stage directions at the start?
2. How does Garcin feel about the Second Empire furniture?
3. Why does the valet say that the rooms have different furniture?
4. What does Garcin note that the room is lacking?
5. What personal item does Garcin wish he had?
6. What does Garcin's desire for a toothbrush mean?
7. What does Garcin imagine he'll spend a bit of time doing as there is no mirror?
8. What does Garcin correctly guess that people don't do in the room?
9. How does Garcin reason that lack of sleep is a torture method?
10. Why is Garcin creeped out when he stares at the valet?
11. What does the valet say is beyond the room that they're in?
12. What does the valet tell Garcin about the lights?
13. What does the valet mock when Garcin complains that they have to live with their eyes open all the time?
14. What does Garcin spot on the mantelpiece before the valet leaves?
15. What does Garcin do when he can't think of something to do?
16. How does Garcin try to get the valet's attention when the bell doesn't work?
17. Who enters the room as Garcin sits down?
18. What does Garcin say when the valet asks if he called him?
19. What does the valet tell Inez about the room?
20. What does the valet find unusual about Inez?
21. What does Inez ask Garcin when they're left alone?
22. What does Inez conclude when Garcin says that he doesn't know where Florence is?
23. What does Inez say that Florence was?
24. What does Garcin realize about Inez's perception of him?
25. What is Garcin's job?
26. How does Inez correct Garcin's use of "Mrs"?
27. What does Garcin declare about Inez and being alone?
28. Why does Garcin want to be alone rather than have Inez's company?
29. What does Inez say about herself when Garcin suggests they be polite to each other?
30. Why does Inez tell Garcin to stop twitching his mouth?
31. What does Garcin do when he realizes that Inez is still looking at his twitching mouth?
32. Who is the third person to enter with the valet?
33. Why does Estelle tell Garcin not to remove his face from behind his hands?
34. Why is Estelle shocked when Garcin looks up?
35. What does Estelle do that angers Garcin when the valet says no one else is coming?
36. Why doesn't Estelle want to sit on the green sofa?
37. What is Estelle's full name?
38. What is Inez's full name?
39. When was Inez's funeral?
40. When was Estelle's funeral?
41. Whom does Estelle see trying to cry over her death?
42. Who's not crying about Estelle's death?
43. What was Estelle's cause of death?
44. Why couldn't Estelle's husband go to her funeral?
45. What was Inez's cause of death?
46. What was Garcin's cause of death?
47. What does Estelle decide that the trio should be called?
48. Where is Garcin from?
49. Where is Estelle from?
50. What does Garcin see his wife doing?
51. Why does Estelle order Garcin not to remove his jacket?
52. What does Garcin compare the heat of the room to?
53. What does Estelle see Olga doing before bed back in the real world?
54. What does Inez notice about her room?
55. What does Estelle propose the trio should do to figure out why they're all in the room after their deaths?
56. Why did Estelle marry a very wealthy man?
57. Why did Estelle not run away with the love of her life?
58. What action does Estelle consider might be enough to land her in hell?
59. What does Garcin think about standing by one's principles?
60. Why was Garcin shot?
61. What does Garcin say he did for his wife when Inez asks about her?
62. What does Inez tell Estelle and Garcin after they attempt to defend the manner of their deaths?
63. What does Inez realize each person will do to the other two?
64. How does Garcin suggest the three of them work out their own salvation?
65. What does Estelle say she wonders when she can't see herself in a mirror?
66. Why does Inez say Estelle is lucky to be able to wonder if she exists at all?
67. What do Estelle and Inez conclude about Garcin when they sit beside each other?
68. What does Inez say is the reason for Estelle being hesitant to become her friend?
69. Why does Estelle want Garcin to be attracted to her?
70. What was happening in Garcin's newspaper office that he was trying to listen to?
71. What does Inez say it's absurd to forget?
72. Why does Garcin grumble that it would be easier to live with men in hell?
73. Why does Garcin say he's really in hell, besides being a deserter?
74. Who does Garcin see back on earth when he says their name?
75. Who is Garcin's primary interest back on earth?
76. Why does Garcin say he hurt his wife so much when Inez asks?
77. What does Garcin say was the only problem about his marriage?
78. Why does Garcin's remark that his wife admired him too much mean nothing to Inez?
79. What did Garcin do with the mistress he brought home to live with him?
80. Whom did Inez have an affair with?
81. Who died as a result of Inez's affair?
82. What is happening to the room Inez used to occupy?
83. How was Inez related to Florence's husband?
84. How was Florence's husband killed?
85. What did Inez used to tell Florence about her husband's death?
86. What does Inez liken herself to when talking about making people suffer?
87. How did Florence kill Inez?
88. When Estelle initially entered the room, whom did she say she was afraid to see?
89. Whom does Estelle later admit that the man with the smashed up face was?
90. Why did Estelle run away to Switzerland?
91. How did Estelle kill her daughter?
92. What does Estelle call herself after telling the story about her lover?
93. What does Garcin reason will happen if one of them raises an arm, as they are all inextricably linked?
94. What does Inez conclude when the scene of the new couple making themselves at home in her bed goes dark?
95. What does Garcin say is needed to best the system in hell?
96. What does Garcin say to Inez when she says she doesn't feel sorry for herself?
97. Why does Garcin refuse to help Estelle?
98. What belongs to Inez in hell?
99. Whom does Inez claim she belongs to?
100. What does Estelle say to Peter?
101. What is Olga telling Peter about Estelle?
102. What does Estelle beg Garcin to do when the scene with Olga and Peter goes dark?
103. What does Inez call Estelle after the scene with Olga and Peter ends?
104. What does Estelle claim when she refuses to see herself through Inez's eyes?
105. What does Estelle say Garcin must possess, as he's so concerned with trust?
106. What does Inez say that Garcin feels guilty about?
107. What question does Inez get Garcin to ask to figure out what's eating away at his conscience?
108. How does Garcin say he could have proved he wasn't a coward?
109. What color eyes does Garcin like?
110. What does Garcin see his friends doing back on Earth?
111. What happened to Garcin's wife two months previously?
112. What does Garcin need to be happy?
113. What does Garcin muse when the door opens?
114. What is Garcin's defense that he shouts aloud?
115. Why does Inez respond that Garcin can be judged a coward because of a single moment in his life?
116. How does Inez counter Garcin's claim that a man is what he wills himself to be?
117. Why does Inez say that Garcin is a coward?
118. What does Inez say about love when Garcin and Inez kiss?
119. What does Garcin say hell is when standing in front of the mantel?
120. What does Inez do with the penknife after Estelle rushes at her with it?
121. What does Garcin say when the trio stop laughing?


1. "A drawing room in Second Empire style. A massive bronze ornament stands on the mantelpiece."
2. He doesn't like it.
3. They "cater to all types."
4. It lacks windows, mirrors, and anything breakable.
5. His toothbrush
6. He hasn't gotten over his sense of "human dignity."
7. He'll be staring at the bronze statue on the mantelpiece.
8. Sleep
9. He determines that no sleep constitutes "life without a break."
10. The valet's eyelids are "paralyzed" and he never blinks.
11. More rooms and more passages
12. They can't turn them off.
13. He mocks Garcin's use of the word "live."
14. A paperknife
15. He pushes the bell to ring for the valet.
16. He tries to call him and beats the door with his fist.
17. A woman named Inez and the valet
18. He didn't call the valet.
19. It's her room.
20. She has no questions to ask him.
21. She asks where Florence is.
22. This must be "torture by separation."
23. She says Florence was a tiresome little fool whom she won't miss in the least.
24. She thinks he is the torturer.
25. He's a journalist.
26. She says she's not married.
27. He'd rather be alone than have Inez's company.
28. He'd like to have the solitude to work things out in his mind.
29. She isn't polite.
30. She finds it gross.
31. He buries his face in his hands.
32. Estelle
33. She knows he has "no face left."
34. She finds that he does indeed have a face.
35. She laughs.
36. She's wearing blue.
37. Estelle Rigault
38. Inez Serrano
39. Last week
40. Yesterday
41. Her sister
42. Her best friend, Olga
43. Estelle died of pneumonia.
44. He was so stricken with grief.
45. A gas stove led to her death.
46. He took twelve bullets to the chest.
47. Absentees
48. Rio
49. Paris
50. He sees her looking for him at the barracks.
51. She loathes men in "shirt-sleeves."
52. It reminds him of the newspaper office where he used to work.
53. Undressing
54. It's sealed up and dark.
55. They should tell each other the truth about why they were there.
56. She and her younger brother, whom she was raising, were very poor.
57. She was already married.
58. She sacrificed her youth to a man three times her age.
59. It shouldn't be a crime.
60. He continued his pacifist newspaper's publication when war broke out.
61. He rescued her from the gutter.
62. She tells them to stop pretending they're saints when they're all criminals and murderers.
63. Torture them
64. They should look into themselves.
65. She wonders if she exists at all.
66. Inez herself is always painfully conscious of her own existence.
67. He doesn't count as another person in the vicinity.
68. Estelle is worried about their class differences, as she is a society woman while Inez is a postal clerk.
69. Estelle wants his attention just because he's "a Man."
70. He wanted to hear some men in his newspaper office discussing him.
71. It's absurd to forget that there are two other people in the room.
72. They wouldn't talk as much as women.
73. He treated his wife badly.
74. His wife
75. He's most interested in his colleague, Gomez.
76. He says it was easy, that he liked to tease her, and that she never cried.
77. His wife admired him too much.
78. Nobody ever admired her.
79. He had sex with her while his wife listened and stayed in bed with his mistress in the morning while his wife served them coffee.
80. She had an affair with a married woman named Florence.
81. Herself, Florence, and Florence's husband all died.
82. It's being rented out.
83. They were cousins.
84. He was hit by a tram.
85. They killed him together.
86. She compares herself to a live coal living in other people's hearts.
87. She got up and turned the gas on in their apartment.
88. She was afraid of seeing a friend of hers who shot himself in the face.
89. Her lover
90. She had her lover's baby away from her wealthy, older husband.
91. She drowned her in a lake.
92. A coward
93. The others will feel the breeze.
94. She's done with earth.
95. Some human feeling is necessary.
96. He feels sorry for her.
97. She should turn to Inez for help, not him.
98. The blue couch
99. Estelle
100. She says that part of her is still on earth and that he should continue to love her, not Olga.
101. She is relating all the horrible things Estelle did while she was alive.
102. She asks him to take her in his arms and comfort her.
103. She calls her some of the same pet names Peter used to call her.
104. Inez has no eyes.
105. He must have something ghastly on his conscience.
106. His cowardice
107. She gets him to question his real motive in running away.
108. He could have faced death like a man.
109. Green
110. They're sitting around, all thinking him a coward.
111. She died, essentially of grief over his death.
112. He needs for one person to believe he isn't a coward.
113. He wonders why it opened.
114. He tried his whole life to be a man and courted danger at every turn, so he wonders if he can possibly be judged a coward because of a single moment in his life.
115. Garcin dreamt himself a hero his whole life, but when the moment came to prove this he failed.
116. She claims that actions, not aspirations, are what matter.
117. Because she wishes it
118. It is as deep and dark as sleep.
119. Hell is other people.
120. She jabs it into her own body.
121. "Well, well, let's get on with it…"