The Nose Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And majestically [the doctor] withdrew. Kovalev, meanwhile, had never once looked at his face. In his distraction he had noticed nothing beyond a pair of snowy cuffs projecting from black sleeves. (2.130)

Once again, Kovalev is totally thrown by the exterior markers of status and can't see what's behind that surface exterior. Spoiler alert: dude, it's your nose dressed up as a doctor and making its escape.

Quote #8

In the street, on leaving the colleague's, he met Madame Podtochina, and also Madame Podtochina's daughter. Bowing to them, he was received with nothing but joyous exclamations. Clearly all had been fancy, no harm had been done. So not only did he talk quite a while to the ladies, but he took special care, as he did so, to produce his snuffbox, and deliberately plug his nose at both entrances. Meanwhile inwardly he said:

"There now, good ladies! There now, you couple of hens! I'm not going to marry the daughter, though. All this is just—par amour, allow me." (3.14-21)

Great, Kovalev has his nose back. And what's his takeaway? The big lesson learned? The Golden Moment? Just one more thing to be a snob about—the size of the noses on other people's faces. Check out how now apparently most of his status-seeking gestures (checking himself out in the mirror constantly, using snuff) are nose-related.