Nothing Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

And although we'd sworn we'd never become like them, that was exactly what was happening. We weren't even fifteen yet.

Thirteen, fourteen, adult. Dead. (22.10-11)

The kids are afraid of becoming like adults, even as they long to grow up and have adult careers like fashion design or astronomy. Growing up is full of contradictions—like the fact that it's an awesome time full of life and vitality, but it's also bringing you ever closer to death. Oops, did we just kill the party?

Quote #11

"The reason dying is so easy is because death has no meaning," he hollered. "And the reason death has no meaning is because life has no meaning. All the same, have fun!" (25.22)

Obviously Pierre Anthon is being sarcastic here, but the awareness that life has no meaning shouldn't mean you can't have fun. Those existential nihilists were some major buzz kills.