Nothing Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We weren't expecting much of Holy Karl, but this time he surprised us: He wanted Cinderella's head. (15.1)

Lesson learned: don't even mess with Jesus on the Cross, or you'll go down. Holy Karl ain't playin'.

Quote #5

"Everyone else has gotten what they wanted. And if Pretty Rosa wants Jon-Johan's finger, then she should have Jon-Johan's finger." (16.13)

Hmm, this is interesting phrasing. It's no longer about what holds the most meaning for the person giving it up, it's about how the person seeking revenge feels they can best exact it.

Quote #6

Sofie slowly got to her feet, wiped the knife with a handful of sawdust, and then thrust it into the post like before. She wiped her hands on her jeans.

"That's that," she said, and went back to look for the finger. (17.58-59)

Sofie leaves her blood on the rag in the heap, but she ends up wearing her tormenter's blood on her clothing. It's an interesting look at how we reclaim the things that traumatize us.