Number the Stars Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The male, accented voice from the kitchen was loud. "We have observed," he said, "that an unusual number of people have gathered at this house tonight. What is the explanation?" (10.13)

Under Nazi rule, everything is suspect. Even a funeral. Well, you know, a fake funeral—but still.

Quote #5

With a swift motion the Nazi officer slapped Mama across her face. She staggered backward, and a white mark on her cheek darkened. (10.26)

If you weren't convinced that the Nazis were part of a corrupt regime, this should drive the point home.

Quote #6

"Many of the fishermen have built hidden places in their boats. I have, too. […] Peter, and others in the Resistance who work with him, bring them [Jews] to me, and to the other fishermen as well. There are people who hide them and help them." (16.22)

Henrik and Peter are saving lives—sounds pretty noble to us. But according to the Nazis' rules, their life-saving work is a criminal act.