Number the Stars Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

One by one the Rosens turned and hugged Annemarie silently. Ellen came to her last; the two girls held each other.

"I'll come back someday," Ellen whispered fiercely. "I promise."

"I know you will," Annemarie whispered back, holding her friend tightly. (12.7-9)

Pass the tissues, please.

Quote #8

"I wonder if I will ever see Ellen again," Annemarie said sadly.

"You will, little one. You saved her life, after all." (16.53-54)

Henrik seems super confident that Ellen will not only survive the war, but will come back to Copenhagen to be with Annemarie again. Do you think he really believes this? Or is he just putting on a brave face to help Annemarie deal with her friend's departure?

Quote #9

For nearly two years, now, neighbors had tended the plants and dusted the furniture and polished the candlesticks for the Jews who had fled. Her mother had done so for the Rosens.

"It is what friends do," Mama had said. (17.3-4)

The kind of pure, loyal friendship that Ellen and Annemarie have isn't just for little girls. It's for grown-ups and even entire communities, too. Annemarie's and Ellen's mothers have a similar bond, and it turns out that the Christians in Denmark feel the same way about the Jews. They all look out for each other.