Number the Stars Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[B]efore, it had always been "Mrs. Johansen"; or, in the old days, during the merriment and excitement of his engagement to Lise, it had been, occasionally, "Mama." Now it was Inge. It was as if he had moved beyond his own youth and had taken his place in the world of adults. (11.27)

What if Shmoop were called You'd probably be less likely to read what we had to say, right? (We promise we have a point here.) Names are central to a person's (or a website's!) identity. Calling Mrs. Johansen Inge shows that Peter has officially become an adult.

Quote #8

All of those things, those sources of pride—the candlesticks, the books, the daydreams of theater—had been left behind in Copenhagen. They had nothing with them now; there was only the clothing of unknown people for warmth, the food from Henrik's farm for survival, and the dark path ahead, through the woods, to freedom. (11.40)

Even though the Rosens left all of their possessions behind, they haven't lost their identities. You know what they say: you can't take it with you.

Quote #9

"Do you remember that Peter's arm was bandaged, and in a sling, at Lise's funeral? He wore a coat over it so that no one would notice. And a hat, to hide his red hair. The Nazis were looking for him." (17.15)

Peter is a redhead in a city full of blondes, and that's no picnic when you're a wanted criminal. Even if we don't let our physical appearances define us, they might define us to the people around us. That's why Stacy and Clinton are so set on making us all look our best.