O Pioneers! Theme of Religion

Unlike, say, politics, religion doesn't necessarily get a negative treatment in O Pioneers! But it's not exactly front and center, either. Religious life is portrayed as an integral part of frontier society, but it's also one of those things that shrinks into the background behind the all-pervasive presence of nature. In fact, as we mention in our section on "Writing Style," and elsewhere, nature often seems to take on the divine role in O Pioneers! Rather than appearing as God's creation, nature has its own "Genius" and spirit, with Alexandra serving as its prophet.

Questions About Religion

  1. What kind of attitude toward religion does O Pioneers! promote, if any?
  2. How would the novel be different if it concluded with the wedding of Carl and Alexandra?
  3. Do Catholics represent an ideal community on the Divide, in opposition to a relatively unreligious family like the Bergsons?
  4. Does Alexandra's unique connection to nature suggest a secular alternative to traditional religious faith?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Ivar and Emil are alike in more ways than just being Alexandra's favorites. They offer two different models of dealing with "sinful" desires.

Alexandra is set apart from the other inhabitants of the Divide not only in her connection with the natural world, but also in her apparent lack of systematic religious belief.