An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge Resources


The Ambrose Bierce Project

A great website that collects all of Bierce's works, including his horror stories (who knew?). Here you'll also find a free annotated edition of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."

Author Bio

Learn about Ambrose Bierce's life and mysterious disappearance.

Interactive Civil War

The History Channel's website provides a lot of interesting information through interactive web browsing.

Facial hair fest.

Some of the soldiers who execute Farquhar might be rocking some epic facial hair like the guys featured on Shmoop's "Awesomely Bad Facial Hair of the Civil War Era" page.

Historical Documents

The Story

Read the full text of the story in this searchable, online edition. Thanks, Project Gutenberg!

Tales of Soldiers and Civilians

Want to read more of Bierce's Civil War stories? Check out this collection that includes "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge."

Movie or TV Productions

"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (1962)

This is a short, French production.

"An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" (2005)

Here's an American short film version that has worse reviews.


The Movie in 5 Under Minutes

Clips from the French short film edited and set to music. This really helps you picture the scene.

Alfred Hitchcock Presents "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"

Here's part 1 of 3 for Hitchcock's adaptation of Bierce's story. You can find the links to the other two parts on YouTube. It certainly makes some alterations to the original. See what you think of it. (And don't miss Hitchcock's intro, during which he's hanging out inside a cannon. Weird.)


Audio Book

A free audio book version of the story. Come on, you know you want to hear "Owl Creek Bridge" narrated by a guy named Michael Scott.


Portrait of Bierce

Portrait of the artist as a young man.

Older Ambrose

Our author, hanging out with a human skull.

The Battle of Corinth

Check out an illustration the battle that takes place before the start of Bierce's story.